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I expect you may disagree with at least of some of what I say. I pray that I don’t cause you too much offence and that somehow the gracious and dynamic Spirit of God will use these words to increase faith, inspire hope and impart love.


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Sunday 6 November

Ezekiel 10:1-12:28
It’s a heck of a journey.  All many of crazy things are going on.  But it would be tragic to miss the huge stuff about the future that is being disclosed.  I hesitate to say it but you could nearly call this passage ‘epic’.  The glory of the Lord departing from the temple and moving to the east is one of the most cataclysmically massive theological adjustments of the whole redemption narrative.  It speaks of God breaking free from the shackles of the tabernacle / temple - not that he was actually shackled by it but he had chosen to accommodate himself to his people by dwelling there.   But he was now doing something shockingly different - he was going global to dwell wherever he wanted with whomsoever he should choose.  The glory departing also speaks of God pursuing his people.  The glory of the presence of God was hot-footing it over to Babylon to find his people, the ones who he loved.  He wasn’t hanging around with a bunch of arrogant, ignorant idolaters - he was going to get his own.  It is the lost sheep parable played out in the religious sphere.  And then there is the stuff about the heart of stone and the heart of flesh.  Glory be.  What an image.  What a eyeball-dilating prospect.  That people will actually be changed.  That we will be made good again.  That the sin of Adam will be overcome...  Whatever the Sovereign Lord says will be fulfilled.  What an achingly immense privilege to be living at a time when both these promises are coming to pass in our midst.
Hebrews 7:11-28
Jesus always intercedes for us.  I wonder what he is praying for me right now?  I wonder what he is praying for you?  That’s quite something isn’t it?   To think that the Big Man of space, time and everything else is spending his days uttering words of petition for us.  It is deeply humbling.  It is hugely inspiring.  I want to see those prayers fulfilled in me - no matter what they are.  If the one through whom all things were made has got some desires for me then they must be pretty raspingly beautiful.  I want to lean on those prayers and let them take my weight.  I want them to carry me into the banquet hall of the kingdom.  Yes, Lord God, whatever you want for me - I want it too!  Or I want to want it too, more than I want to play Fruit Ninja on the iphone even if I sometimes act like I don’t.  Your will be done, O God.  Let me hold onto your hope and live wedded to your oath.  Jesus you are amazing.  Thankyou for dying for me.
Psalm 119:169-176
What a relief that is over - that psalm felt longer than something very very long.

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