The edification value of this blog cannot be guaranteed. Spiritual vigour may go down as well as up and you may not receive back as much as you put in.

I expect you may disagree with at least of some of what I say. I pray that I don’t cause you too much offence and that somehow the gracious and dynamic Spirit of God will use these words to increase faith, inspire hope and impart love.


Monday, 21 November 2011

Monday 21 November

Ezekiel 40:1-49
Is this a joke??  I thought we left Leviticus behind months ago.  But now, as a supposed climax to this wild and crazy book we get a passage so dense in detail that even Moses would have been envious (were he not such a humble man).  The only piece of drama seems to revolve around a man who looks a bit bronze (had he been down El Sol, the sunbed shop?).  This man is shouting out the lengths of various bits of wall - and we are meant to find that exciting??  I’m sorry but my piety does not stretch that far.  But then again, I can see that this would be extremely encouraging for faithful Israelites who had been stuck in exile for 25 years.  This would be a heart-warming promise for Israelites who had seen their temple destroyed.  It would be hugely reassuring for Israelites who spent their days longing for a return to full-bore, temple-centered relationship with God.  This could even be conceived as a climax to all Ezekiel’s prophecies if you an exiled Israelite longing for a chance to once again offer Yahweh the prescribed sacrifices and to see the cloud of His glory in the temple.  But that’s not where I’m at.  So I skim read most of it.
James 5:1-20
“Be patient until the Lord’s coming.”  I can’t remember ever really engaging with that idea.  Even today I fleet-footed past this verse before I felt some urge to come back to it.  I know that patience is not something I am good at, but I don’t think that is the main problem.  I think the main problem rests in my theology; do I really believe that Jesus is coming back?  And, more than that, do I think it would be a good thing?  James certainly did.  Paul certainly did.  As did Peter and the writer to the Hebrews.  In fact the whole ruddy lot of them were convinced that the Lord was coming back and it was going to be awesome.  It gave them perspective on the struggles in life.  It helped them grit their teeth through suffering.  It helped them see what is important.  I want to learn from their example.  I love Jesus.  I deeply deeply love Jesus and know he is the epitome of goodness and strength and joy and liberty.  I am so richly satisfied when I fix my eyes on him.  So, Holy Spirit, please would you hammer into my thick skull the truth that it will be amazing when He returns.  Please would you help me wake up in the morning wondering whether today will be the day.  And then please would you give me patience - a patience to stand firm and not grumble and face up to suffering while I wait for Him.  For he is full of compassion.  He is full of mercy.  And one instant with Him will swallow up and richly overcome all the highs and lows of our time in this life.
Psalm 130:1-8
“With you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.”  That almost seems illogical.  I’ll have to think on that a bit more...

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