The edification value of this blog cannot be guaranteed. Spiritual vigour may go down as well as up and you may not receive back as much as you put in.

I expect you may disagree with at least of some of what I say. I pray that I don’t cause you too much offence and that somehow the gracious and dynamic Spirit of God will use these words to increase faith, inspire hope and impart love.


Friday, 25 November 2011

Friday 25 November

Ezekiel 47:1-48:35
Oh this most beloved of prophetic images.  There must have been more rivers flowing from more temples across Britain than there are measuring lines to measure them with.  And these images always end with us being asked to don our swimming cap and goggles and jump on in.  But, you know, I think that slightly misses the point.  I don’t think the full extent of the promise of this river is that we can jump in it and enjoy swimming around.  It is a much bigger promise than that.  It is a promise of provision for the world.  It is a promise that people far and wide can eat of the rich and varied fruit of the kingdom.  In short, it is a promise of radical transformation of this world.  The gospel of Jesus, the grace of his throne will turn lifeless waters into fresh ones, it will cause trees to produce leaves that heal others.  We are not just talking about ministry times here; we are talking gritty mission going into dark corners and bringing light.  We are talking an expansive spread of the offer of the gospel for people to feed on and be nourished by.  We are talking abundant and generous gifts from the people of God by the presence of God to the creation of God.  It won’t be for everyone - the swamps and the marshes will not become fresh - but for those who do fish and for those who do feast, it will be a swarming mass of goodness.  
1 Peter 4:1-19
Am I the only one who hasn’t spent time in the past doing orgies?  Debauchery - yes.  Lust - unfortunately yes.  Drunkenness - to my shame yep.  But orgies??  I once went to a party where some people were kissing in the corner but I don’t remember joining in.  Maybe that means this passage doesn’t apply to me?  But sadly I think it does.  Out of this list of flood of dissipation it cuts me to the core that the very worst is idolatry - that is the only one pulled out be called especially detestable.  I have looked to idols like the worst of them, and that makes me worse than an orgier (I wonder what the correct term is for someone who engages in an orgy - strangely enough I’ve never had cause to use it before).  But in view of Jesus’ death.  In view of him being done with sin I should also be done with sin.  Not only in knowing that I am forgiven but also in completely cutting out any sense of sin in my life.  That is what life should look like in the kingdom.  And that comes through being clear-minded - by keeping the truth about Jesus clearly in the centre of my brain - and by praying for self-control.  And it comes through loving to love others and loving to love them deeply.  Life in the kingdom is a life of service of His subjects in whatever way I can for however long I can and in the best mood that I can. Because that brings praise to God through Jesus.  To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.
Psalm 133:1-3
Living in unity is like precious oil running down the beard.  I wish I had a beard.

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