Daniel 1:1-2:23
It’s a funny mix. Daniel’s book looks at the corridors of worldly power and yet is drenched in supernatural occurrence. It is a book favoured for twee children’s stories and yet contains more aggressive conflict than mighty morphing power rangers. Some of it is in Hebrew and some of it bizarrely switches into Aramaic. I think Daniel is one of the hardest books to understand in the whole bible. But here we are. And I intend to enjoy it! The first 2 verses show what the book is about - the war of the gods. Yahweh’s stuff has been nicked by the Babylonian god. Yahweh’s people have been conquered by the people of the Babylonian god. The Babylonian god looks like he is off to a flyer. But don’t be deceived, in this war there can only be one winner. Despite vastly inferior-looking food, Yahweh can strengthen his warriors far better than the Babylonian god can. Despite their captivity, Yahweh can speak revelation to his people far more effectively than the Babylonian god can disclose anything to his astrologers and magicians. And, more than that, it is actually Yahweh, the God of heaven, who holds history in his hand and who will reveal it to whomsoever he chooses, whenever he chooses and however he chooses. In this war Yahweh has quickly shown that he is occupying so much of the battlefield that the Babylonian god looks like a weedy kid trying to play Twister. So if you want to get on in life, if you want to be on the winning side, if you want to be helping to build history rather than ineptly struggle against it then turn yourself to Yahweh. If you trust in false gods, you are sure to be disappointed.
1 Peter 5:1-14
I’d not previously spotted this link between humility and the devil. I sort of knew both of the verses but hadn’t seen how they slot together. But in this meal that Peter has been serving us, this is a great way to finish. We know we have been chosen by God. We have seen how we have been called to live for Him. But we need to be careful of where we go with that. It is not all plain sailing. We are not yet home free. As we struggle to live as children of light, turned from our sin and showing deep love, we need to be alert to the desires of the devil. The devil wants to devour us. He hates children of light. He is prowling around us trying to annihilate our faith. But if we are humble then he will not succeed. If in humility we cast ourselves upon the Lord, if we refuse to presume our standing over others, if we never expect to be living a trouble-free life, then we will be standing firm in the faith. If we swiftly turn from any hint of pride then we will be resisting the devil - the father of the proud. If we always keep in our view the fact that God is the one with the mighty hand and we are the ones who are puny, well, then we will receive grace in the ‘now’ and a crown of glory in the ‘not yet’. God is the only one who can get us through this battle. Only in Him can we fulfill our calling. The temptation to not read the bible or worship or pray or go to housegroup is great. But it ain’t half as great as God. And if in humility we acknowledge we can’t live without Him then he will restore us. He will make us strong and firm and steadfast. And He will bring us in to his eternal glory in Christ.
Psalm 134:1-3
May the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth bless you from Zion.
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