Deuteronomy 19:1-20:20
Israel did a lot of war. Sometimes they seem obsessed with slaughter and destruction. So it is interesting to see that Israel refused to throw every good young man on the altar of armed service, positively encouraging the enjoyment of the more tender things in life. New houses, promising vineyards, desirable relationships and revived spirits are all things that should be enjoyed, even at the expense of important national goals. You could say that Israel’s military had a human touch but I suspect that a human touch would have resulted in either pure dossing or a campaign for global domination. No, I think it is better to say that there was a divine touch in this; that God put his hand on the army and ensured that not that every resource was either wasted or thrown into a relentless pursuit of results. Rather that compassion, enjoyment, rest and relationships were all valued and given their appropriate place. This balance of priorities I think fits really well into the concept of justice that we saw yesterday - that a life in pursuit of God’s agenda, that the following of his desires not only pleases God, but brings incredible life and fruitfulness to every strand of society.
Luke 15:1-32
I don’t think I can say anything new about these awesome stories. It’s like Jesus is unfolding his robe and exposing huge, dazzling treasures about the personality and intention of God. These stories do confront people with choices but they are not crass “turn or burn” shout-a-thons. They are deeply beautiful and astonishingly creative pieces of art that clutch at the heart as well as the mind. They can captivate the soul and beckon even the most timid recluse, soften even the most fervent cynic. And this is a truly wonderful thing about Jesus - that he didn’t just declare truth but he brought people into it. He didn’t just make statements - he evoked imaginations and aroused passions. I would love to see the Church do the same.
Psalm 45:1-9
I’d love to write off this psalm as a suck-up poem to a king - probably written by someone who wanted a promotion - but unfortunately Jesus quoted it so it must have some good stuff in it.