The edification value of this blog cannot be guaranteed. Spiritual vigour may go down as well as up and you may not receive back as much as you put in.

I expect you may disagree with at least of some of what I say. I pray that I don’t cause you too much offence and that somehow the gracious and dynamic Spirit of God will use these words to increase faith, inspire hope and impart love.


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Saturday 2 April

Numbers 33:1-34:29
Oh what you wouldn’t do for a map!  That doesn’t seem to be the way with the bible though, not sure why.  The major point in this section is simple and old but still profound.  The thing the Lord is looking for from his people, the one distinctive that he seeks from them is worship.  Worship in this passage is the ritual worship of high places and carved images - things that are turned to for help with crops growing and children being born.  Worship is the things that define the community and that they commit time and resources and, perhaps most of all, hope to.  The only one worthy of such devotion is the Lord who created the world and has committed himself to care for and provide and inheritance for his people.
Luke 9:10-27
Jesus is the most important person in the whole of history. And this isn’t based on what he has done, although that is part of it, but rather it is down to who he is.  Jesus came to earth to offer welcome, compassion, miraculous food, teaching on the kingdom of God - to offer people a chance to follow in the way of life.  The joys of following this way are manifoldly displayed through the gospel of Luke.  But for those who refuse to follow or who are too ashamed to follow or who love their own life or who seek to gain this world - they will be hung out to dry when Jesus returns “in his glory”.  And the glory of the one man Jesus is captivating and arresting, it is powerful and irresistible.  No matter how things may appear, no matter that Jesus and his name have before and still now suffer many things, he is the Lord of Life, he is the Son of Man and he will bring every person before the glory of the Father and all the holy angels.  The only response to such a man is worship and obedience, worship and obedience.
Proverbs 8:22-31
This passage is fantastic!  We see wisdom delighting, yes really delighting in 3 things - the presence of God, the world and people.  I can’t think of anything I want to do more than emulate wisdom in her joy.