Deuteronomy 2:24-4:14
Do you get a sense of deja vu? Do you get a sense of deja vu? Do you get a sense that this is an old joke that self-respecting people really wouldn’t use? Indeed, we have seen the defeat of King Sihon and of King Og before (although last time some crazy cat forgot to mention the incredible nature of his bed! A certain colleague of mine who may well be a worship leader named Paul has made enquiries as to whether he would be able to pick one up but it seems that IKEA are out of stock). But what we get from this section is Moses’ understanding of the law as being not just worshipful but also missional. Obedience to the commandments of God would, in Moses’ mind, not just keep the people from sin but would send a clear message to the surrounding nations that the “Lord God is near” and that his nation is a “wise and understanding people”. We get all throughout the bible the idea that obedience to God actually makes life better. Worship of Yahweh is not a dirge of difficult obedience in the vain hope of some future reward but is a celebration of proximity to God, of provision by him and of the fact that the perplexities and problems of life have already been seen by Him and He has laid us a path to walk through them. Followers of God, if they are obedient and faithful, will be distinctive. And this distinctiveness will not be of being miseryguts or partypoopers but of being wise and understanding - of being people who really know how to do life well.
Luke 10:25-11:4
We are pretty much halfway through Luke now and he has layed out ample evidence of the personality (birth, baptism, miracles, transfiguration) and plan (Luke 4 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me..., sending out of the 12 and appointing of the 72) of Jesus. Now he comes to his distinctives (I was going to say his praxis because it followed the trend of starting with a ‘p’, but ‘praxis’ sounded so horribly pretentious that I felt sick at the thought of it). So here are 3 distinctives today - firstly, followers of Jesus have mercy on people they bump into, regardless of social custom. Secondly, Jesus’ followers are not worried and upset about many things but focus on the one thing that is needed (does anyone actually know what this is because Jesus doesn’t seem to say. I wonder if it is the dusting?). Thirdly, Jesus’ followers pray with intimacy and dependance. Merciful, not worried and dependent of the Father - a pretty cool trio I think... and there is more to come over the next few days.
Psalm 41:7-13
Some incredible prophecy here with allusions to Judas, the resurrection, the ascension and the coronation of Jesus. Not bad for the butt-end of slightly-moany worship poem.