Deuteronomy 13:1-14:29
Floorplans. When we were looking for a house they were the only thing I was bothered about. It’s hard to sex-up a floor plan. They let you know exactly what you are getting; how many toilets there are, where the kitchen is compared to the dining room, the fact that the third bedroom is actually a cupboard. What we have been given over these past few days are the floorplans of the faith. And these floorplans show two monstrous pillars that support the whole edifice of life with God; love and obedience. Everything rises and falls on these. The Lord wants us to love Him, he wants us to revere Him and keep His commands and serve Him and hold fast to Him. All worship, all holiness, all mission, all giving and all social action all must be grounded on these. From Israel’s perspective, and from ours, these are absolutely sacrosanct and must never be questioned - everything is about loving God and obeying him. And this is the extraordinary feat that Jesus achieved - he did all this for us. He ate and drank obedience and love on our behalf. He has shown us the floorplan, he’s laid it all out for us to inhabit. The question is what are we going to do about it?
Luke 13:1-30
Jesus is blunt. Lot’s of people are going to be part of his thing. It may look small now but it is going to be massive - it’s going to affect the whole dough. Lots of people from all over the world are going to join in His kingdom feast, lots of the last will be privileged with him. Jesus’ thing is not something you want to miss out on. But some will. Some will be rejected and some will weep. And Jesus asks people where they are. If they are not sure he urges them to repent and to get in on the act. It really is a fantastic feast. But there will be some outside just weeping and grinding their teeth.
Proverbs 9:1-12
Choose who you invest in, choose where you spend your time - some great intentions will yield no fruit and others will affect someone’s eternity.