The edification value of this blog cannot be guaranteed. Spiritual vigour may go down as well as up and you may not receive back as much as you put in.

I expect you may disagree with at least of some of what I say. I pray that I don’t cause you too much offence and that somehow the gracious and dynamic Spirit of God will use these words to increase faith, inspire hope and impart love.


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tuesday 18 October

Jeremiah 38:1-40:6
Well he had warned them.  And goodness me, I think we all know quite how many times he warned them.  God through Jeremiah had done everything possible to communicate to the people that they were headed for doom - we have had to read about it for 38 long, long chapters.  And yet the only reaction the people made was to shove Jeremiah down a cistern and threaten him with death.  Even King Zedekiah had had the reality of his situation spelled out to him as clearly as a bramble in the eye.  But he had not taken it seriously.  So as Jerusalem falls (as Jeremiah said it would) Zedekiah watches his sons murdered and then has his eyes cut out.  That is what we are dealing with in this book.  The bible is not a nice guide to life.  It is not a heart-warming tale about love and goodness.  It is the decider of our destiny - or at least it is the words of the one who is.  This book cannot be played with.  It cannot be ignored or patronised or stroked and put in a corner.  It must be taken on board.  It must be digested and then applied.  Because if it is not then people end up dead.  It is as stark and as brutal as that.  We are not at liberty to dilute or marginalise the strength of the call of this book.  It can crush nations.  But, on the staggeringly wonderful flip side, if the bible is heeded and if we do follow its words up to the One who spoke them then we do find extravagant wonderfulness.  The bible can usher us into never-ending awesomeness.  
1 Timothy 3:1-16
Leadership is biblical.  Leadership is based on a proven character.  It is amazing how many of the broader church’s problems are based on a swaying from one of those two statements.  We should all cheerfully blow our vuvuzela in championing leadership.  There is nothing better than following someone who is above reproach.  There is huge inspiration in following someone who is worthy of respect.  It is so liberating and exciting and empowering to be under the authority of one who holds to the deep truths of the bible and who has been tested and shown to have nothing against them.  Leadership was what Paul whistled around the Mediterranean appointing and anointing.  Leadership was what Paul planted his churches upon.  Leadership was what Jesus established with his disciples and is what the Christian church has prized and promoted ever since.  To lead is a fine thing.  To lead is a noble thing.  
Psalm 119:57-64
You are my portion, O Lord

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