1 Chronicles 2:18-4:8
Didn’t read any of that again today.
Romans 10:5-11:10
“How can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” Paul spins the whole thing on its axis. The Roman church were sniping at God’s faithfulness. They were asking whether God could really be trusted. So Paul blasted that out of the park. But he didn’t stop there. Next he fronted up to the Romans and pointed the finger back at them. The question the church should be asking is not whether God has been faithful but whether they have been. Who among them is preaching the word? Who among them has been sent? If they aren’t seeing God working then the fault does not lie with God. God’s faithfulness is unquestionable - like a tanker-full of milk being emptied into a glass, God has overflowed our cup with grace and love far beyond our ability to take it. But what are we doing? Are we sending people to preach the word? Are we equipping people to do the stuff are we calling and then empowering people to see their friends come to faith? We have the sweetest gift to pass on to people - even our sweaty, dusty feet are made beautiful by the liberating power of our words and yet we often hold it to ourself. If we want to see Israel growing, if we want to see God keeping his word, if we want to see the power of God being revealed in our midst then we can simply speak the word. That’s the joy of it. God will richly bless all who call on him and all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Proverbs 18:7-16
“He who answers before listening - that is his folly and shame”. Oh. Now I feel pretty dumb.
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