Genesis 41:41-42:38
Essentially just a linking part in the Joseph narrative, we still see a couple of interesting points emerging from these verses. Pharaoh buys into this God-revelation thing in a fairly monumental way. What a maniac! Why was he so willing to believe Joseph’s interpretation? And yet what a benefit he derived from trusting that God has spoken and would be absolutely true to his word. Joseph’s interrogation of his brothers seems focused on identifying whether or not they have truly repented of their previous treatment of him and, curiously, he doesn’t just take Reuben’s statement about “accounting for blood” as sufficient proof of this; deeds, not words, were how repentance was demonstrated in ancient Israel. And strangely enough, while we see the story moving towards redemption, Jacob believes it is becoming more and more bleak. Jacob was close to God, the revealer of mysteries, and yet God does not let Jacob into the secret plan that he was unfolding around him. I guess it was all about enhancing Jacob’s faith in the unseen, even though that wasn’t the easiest thing for the old man.
Matthew 14:22-15:9
When Jesus said to Peter “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” he was joking right? Peter was standing on top of water, wind screaming over his cheeks, the creaking and groaning of the boat resounding in his ears, Jesus bobbing up and down in his line of sight, and Jesus asks him why he doubted? Surely there are very few environments in which a little bit of doubt would be more understandable? The thing we get out of this, the reason why Jesus saw this situation so differently from Peter is that his method of analysing and processing what he saw and heard was fundamentally different from those around him. Jesus interpreted every sensory impulse through the prism of his own lordship over creation. He doesn’t get too het up about water being in front of him because he knows he is Lord of the waves. He doesn’t get flustered about how to respond to people who are sick because he knows he has in himself the power to defeat all sickness. He doesn’t feel the need to tow the religious line because he knows what true religion is all about. This certainty and this understanding is amazing, and it all comes out of a true and deep knowledge of his own identity.
Psalm 12:1-8
You know, I always thought that the Word of the Lord was like silver purified 6 times over. I guess it goes to show - just when you think you know something...